All Cities - Arish


Shady Palm-lined beaches, Mediterranean waves and the glowing colors of Bedouin crafts mark this northern sea resort town. The Sinai Museum in town offers a fascinating insight into Bedouin life, with displays of handicrafts, utensils and clothing. The town also hosts a Bedouin market every Thursday morning.

The capital of North Sinai, El Arish is situated on the Mediterranean coast, 214 miles East of Cairo. It is noted for its beautiful palm-shaded beaches. The coast here is also a paradise for windsurfers.
Here, you will find good restaurants, hotels and several resort complexes. There is a Pharaonic fortress at El-Arish that was rebuilt by the Ottomans in 1560, Restored by Boneparte's troops in 1799, and destroyed by British bombers during World War I. In addition you will have a rare find in the permanent exhibition of the arts and traditions of the Bedouins near the zoological gardens on the edge of town.

Twenty-seven miles from El-Arish is the border town of Rafah. Notable is the changing geography, where rainfall begins to be remarkably heavier, and so vegetation begins to be far lusher. There are several Bedouin markets about, and apparently local leaders are attempting to introduce the area to tourism. The town marks the Egyptian border with the Gazza Strip.



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