Gods - Amon

Earth-god that in the earliest stages was represented as a strip of land with a human head. Later this changed into two lion heads, or a double sphinx. In some instances, Aker was the helper of the dead.

Goddess, that belonged to Heliopolis, and was the female counterpart of Amon. She was sometimes thought of as the mother, but she was never worshipped alone, only together with Neith.


Goddess of Semitic origin, probably introduced by the Hyksos. She was a war goddess, daughter of Re and a consort of Seth. In representations, she had a shield, battle-axe and a tall crown encircled by feathers.

Goddess of Semitic origin, probably introduced by the Hyksos. She was a war goddess, daughter of Re and a consort of Seth. In representations, she had a shield, battle-axe and a tall crown encircled by feathers.


Was at first two falcons, but during the New Kingdom, they were combined to one deity. Antaios was then equated with Horus.





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