Luxour - Valley of the King Tutankhamun

o tomb in the Valley of the Kings is more famous than this. On November 26, 1922 was the unimportant and unknown pharaoh Tutankhamun (1361- 1352 BCE) lifted up to world fame, when Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon performed the official opening to the most original and complete of all kings' graves in all of Egypt. The artwork and the expensive materials looted from all other graves, was still here. The tomb constructors had managed to trick the thieves, the only time ever in the history of ancient Egypt.
Practically all of moveable objects, and there were 1700 have been moved into museums. Mainly to The National Museum in Cairo, but some also to Luxor Museum.



So what is left, is actually very little. In spite of the steep ticket price of EŁ40. The reason why visitors come here, is true fascination, or perhaps visitors want to get a feeling of the room where all the pharaoh's treasures were hidden for 3274 years. Most of the objects were not in the burial chamber, but in two undecorated chambers before, and the one after.
What you will see is a nice burial chamber, with the innermost gold coffin and Tutankhamun's mummy. Then some nice wall paintings, most glassed over. But it is small, and honestly, cannot compare to the big tombs in the Valley of the Kings.
By the way, there were thieves here once before the official opening. On November 25 did the two discoverers sneak into the tomb, and remove several items before sealing the door. A modern myth tells about the Curse of Tutankhamun, inspired by the death of Lord Carnarvon 6 months later. The curse caused sudden and often violent deaths to all involved in opening the grave. The myth still lives on, even if Howard Carter lived for 17 years more dying at a quite normal age of 64.



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